48° CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ESTOMATOLOGIA E PATOLOGIA ORAL - Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral
>> congressos





Submission of abstracts from: February 17, 2023

Submission deadline: April 27, 2023.

Communication of accepted abstracts: until June 18, 2023.

The submission of abstracts can only be done after the main author has registered in the congress. We kindly ask the authors to register in advance and not close to the abstracts deadline date as there might be some gap in confirming the registration on the system after payment due to different processing times of the payment fee that differ according to the payment method. Please, do not register on the last minute! Anticipate, schedule and facilitate the abstracts submission.

Attention, we remind you that the submitted abstracts must be in English and cannot be translated automatically (with Google translate, for example). Abstracts that are automatically translated or that are not written and reviewed with minimum quality for proper understanding and evaluation will be disqualified. All abstracts approved for presentation will be published in the journal Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology Oral Radiology. The costs involved with the final English revision are already included in the congress registration fee.

Norms for the preparation of abstracts

The abstracts guidelines follow the rules from Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology Oral Radiology Journal.


Clinical cases or clinical case series - oral or poster presentation

Title: in capital letters

Authors: the names of the authors must be written in full and in the order to be published. Each abstract may have up to 7 (seven) authors, with the presenter being the first author and the supervisor of the work, when applicable, the last author.

Abstract should be structured in the form of flowing text with a maximum of 150 words. A brief introduction (optional) may be provided, but it must contain the description of the case, diagnostic tests used, final diagnosis, management and follow-up. No information should be provided regarding the Institution or place where the work was carried out.

Note: it is not necessary to include keywords or bibliographic references. If applicable, the funding agency that has supported the work may be mentioned at the end of the abstract.

Observation: at the time of abstract submission for oral presentation of a clinical case, the authors will be given the option of accepting to be transferred to poster presentation, if the case is not selected for the oral presentation.


Scientific research, narrative or systematic review poster presentation

Title: in capital letters

Authors: the names of the authors must be written in full and in the order to be published. Each abstract may have up to 7 (seven) authors, with the presenter being the first author and the supervisor of the work, when applicable, the last author.

Abstract should be structured with a maximum of 200 words. It must contain the following topics: Objective, Study Design, Results and Conclusion. No information should be provided regarding the Institution or place where the work is carried out.

Note: it is not necessary to include keywords or bibliographic references. If applicable, the funding agency that has supported the work may be mentioned at the end of the abstract.


Criteria for abstracts evaluation

A committee of SOBEP members will evaluate the abstracts. The following criteria will be used:

1 - Adequacy of abstracts to the submission rules

2 - English writing with enough quality that allows abstract comprehension and adequate evaluation

3 - Suitability of the work to the category in which it was registered (all categories)

4 - Relevance and contribution of the study to the current state of knowledge (all categories)

5 - Originality of the study and inclusion of information about the methodology and its main results (research/ narrative or systematic review)

6 - Rarity, unusual clinical presentation, diagnostic difficulty and complete details of the case (clinical cases)


Patrocinador / Expositor

Patrocinador OURO

Patrocinador PRATA



Para baixar o aplicativo, escolha abaixo:

A Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral (SOBEP) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos,
que congrega cirurgiões-dentistas que se dedicam à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças da boca.