47° CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ESTOMATOLOGIA E PATOLOGIA ORAL - Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral
>> congressos




Oral Presentation of (Series of) Clinical Cases (AOC; AOS)

For registration in the Oral Presentation of (Series of) Clinical Cases, authors must submit the abstract to the 47th Brazilian Congress of Stomatology and Oral Pathology.

After analyzing the abstracts, the organizing committee will select the works that will be presented in person on the days of the event. The others will be invited to compose the presentations in the form of Posters or Video Availability.

The author must be present in the auditorium on the date and time of the presentation published on the event page. Presentations in pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint) must be sent by July 1, 2022 to the e-mail [email protected]. The size of the pptx file must be a maximum of 20 Megabytes (20000Kilobytes). The Oral Presentation of (Series of) Clinical Cases (AOC; AOS) will be 10 minutes long plus 5 minutes of discussion.


Oral Presentation of Posters:
Poster of (series of) clinical case (PCC); Scientific Research Poster (PPC); Poster for narrative or systematic reviews (PRS)

For registration in Oral Presentation of Posters, authors must submit the abstract to the 47th Brazilian Congress of Stomatology and Oral Pathology.

After analyzing the abstracts, the organizing committee will select the posters that will be presented in person on the days of the event. The other posters will be invited to compose the presentation group Availability in Videos.

The selected posters will be presented during the “Chopp com Ciência” Session on the date and time announced on the event page. Oral Poster Presentation time will be up to 5 minutes long plus 5 minutes of discussion.

Posters must be organized in a single slide (pptx - Click here to download the template), must be done vertically and have a size of 16:9 (WideScreen). The size of the pptx file must be a maximum of 20 Megabytes (20000Kilobytes). They must be sent by June 20th to the e-mail [email protected].


Works for Video Availability (ADV)

The works selected for Video Availability (ADV) will be composed of abstracts that did not reach priority for the categories of Oral Presentation of (Series of) Clinical Cases (AOC; AOS) or Oral Presentation of Posters.

These works will be made available in an electronic system (TELEVISION) during the event and on the SOBEP website. For this, the authors must make the video of their work available on Youtube, and mark it as “unlisted”. The videos must be organized in a single slide (pptx - Click here to download the template), vertically and 16 :9 (WideScreen). The size of the pptx file must be a maximum of 20 Megabytes (20000Kilobytes). The url (link) of the video must be registered on the SOBEP website: Enter the link estomatologia.com.br/login, log in and paste the url in the requested location and click on the SAVE button to finish. This procedure must be done by June 20, 2022.

Video time is 5 minutes long. In the video, only the slide and the speaker's audio should appear, not being allowed the presenter's image.

ATTENTION: All research work involving human beings, animals or part of them (including common questionnaires and survey of files and files with patient data) must have been evaluated by the Research Ethics Committee. Include the Ethics Committee approval number in the presentation.


Tips for producing/uploading your video (some links are in Portuguese):

1- To record a presentation with narration using Power Point



2 - Free online software that allows you to record videos by sharing the screen

Loom – https://www.loom.com/


Zoom – https://zoom.us/pt-pt/meetings.html


3- How to create a YouTube channel


4- How to upload your video on Youtube:


Any further enquires can be clarified by e-mail:[email protected]




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A Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral (SOBEP) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos,
que congrega cirurgiões-dentistas que se dedicam à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças da boca.