Área de Sócios - SOBEP - Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral
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NUMERO: #20220157


Nome do Apresentador: Adriana Aparecida Silva da COSTA

Categoria do Trabalho: Trabalhos Aprovados para Disponibilização em Vídeo (ADV)

Área Temática: Patologia Oral

Resumo: A 59-year-old female patient presented a painful expansive tumor in the mandible, with 3 months of evolution. Computed tomography revealed a hypodense, unilocular lesion, with ill-defined limits, moth-eaten appearance, with expansion and disruption of cortical bone, measuring 30 mm and located in the right side of mandibular body, extending close to the base of the mandible. Medical history was not contributory. An incisional biopsy was performed. Microscopic examination revealed proliferation of neoplastic cells arranged in nests, trabeculae, and duct-like structures. The cells had a cuboidal and polyhedral shape, eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei, and loss of cellular cohesion. Neoplastic nests surrounding irregular bone trabeculae were observed. Neoplastic cells were immunopositive for AE1/AE3, CK7, and Ki67 (40%). Negativity was observed for CD31, CD34, factor VIII, CD99, S100, and CK20. The final diagnosis was metastatic adenocarcinoma and the patient was referred for further treatment. Support: CAPES.

Autor 1:  Adriana Aparecida Silva da COSTA

E-mail 1:  [email protected]

Autor 2:   Raquel Helena Junia de SOUZA

E-mail 2:  [email protected]

Autor 3 :  Natália Santos BARCELOS

E-mail 3:  [email protected]

Autor 4:  Thalita Soares TAVARES

E-mail 4:  [email protected]

Autor 5:  Daniela Pereira MEIRELLES

E-mail 5:  [email protected]

Autor 6:  Maria Cássia Ferreira de AGUIAR

E-mail 6:  [email protected]

Autor 7:  Patrícia Carlos CALDEIRA

E-mail 7:  [email protected]


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A Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral (SOBEP) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos,
que congrega cirurgiões-dentistas que se dedicam à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças da boca.