Área de Sócios - SOBEP - Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral
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NUMERO: #20220077

Título: Application for teleinterconsultation in Stomatology in Paraíba: a valuable tool for SUS

Nome do Apresentador: Paulo Rogerio Ferreti BONAN

Categoria do Trabalho: Apresentação Oral de Pôster de Pesquisa Científica (PPC)

Área Temática: Estomatologia

Resumo: The use of teleinterconsultation is a useful tool when access to specialized services is limited. The objective of the study was to analyze the impact of using on Teleinterconsulta em Estomatologia na Paraíba (App), focusing dentists on SUS at our state. This is a retrospective, cross-sectional, observational, exploratory-descriptive study, using quantitative methods. As an information collection strategy, the spreadsheet generated by the tool was analyzed in the period between May 2020 and April 2021. The app has 16 consultants, 207 registered professionals, 65 (31.4%) of whom are male. male and 142 (68.6%) female, 59 (28.5%) are concentrated in the city of João Pessoa - PB, 138 (66.6%) are distributed over 67 municipalities in Paraíba. It has 123 reported cases, which corresponds to an average of about 10 cases per month. For this number, 56 diagnostic hypotheses were given, including 8 suspected squamous cell carcinoma. Regarding the hypotheses given by the contacting dentists and consultants, 72 (58.5%) were in agreement, and 51 (41.4%) were in disagreement. It can be seen, then, that the app is being used in various parts of the state, with the adhesion of SUS professionals in Paraíba and useful in aiding the diagnosis of maxillofacial lesions.

Autor 1:  Paulo Rogerio Ferreti BONAN

E-mail 1:  [email protected]

Autor 2:   Helder Domiciano Dantas MARTINS

E-mail 2:  [email protected]

Autor 3 :  Quemuel Pereira da SILVA

E-mail 3:  [email protected]

Autor 4:  Maria do Desterro Andrezza SOUZA

E-mail 4:  [email protected]

Autor 5:  Edson Hilan Gomes de LUCENA

E-mail 5:  [email protected]


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A Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral (SOBEP) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos,
que congrega cirurgiões-dentistas que se dedicam à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças da boca.