Área de Sócios - SOBEP - Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral
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NUMERO: #20220068

Título: Lingual neurofibroma: a case report

Nome do Apresentador: Anna Paula Silva COÊLHO

Categoria do Trabalho: Trabalhos Aprovados para Disponibilização em Vídeo (ADV)

Área Temática: Estomatologia

Resumo: Neurofibroma is the main benign neoplasm of the neural sheath. A female patient, brown, 35 years old, presented on intraoral examination a bilobulated nodular lesion with a sessile base, non-bleeding, with absence of central papillae, painless, firm on palpation, reddish in color, circumscribed, well-defined, measuring approximately 15mm, located on the lingual dorsum near the left lateral border. Under clinical diagnosis of schawannoma, the lesion was submitted to excisional biopsy. Microscopically, a partially encapsulated, circumscribed tissue of neural origin was observed, composed mainly of thin, wavy spindle cells arranged in an irregular pattern and the presence of collagen fibers. The surface epithelium showed atrophy of the epithelial ridges, areas of acanthosis, and the underlying connective tissue exhibited vascular neoformations. Through histochemical staining by Wade's method, the presence of mast cells was observed. The histopathological diagnosis indicated neurofibroma. The patient is being followed up with no recurrence after 30 months.

Autor 1:  Anna Paula Silva COÊLHO

E-mail 1:  [email protected]

Autor 2:   Raquel Vieira dos SANTOS

E-mail 2:  [email protected]

Autor 3 :  Vanessa Lisboa CAVALCANTE

E-mail 3:  [email protected]

Autor 4:  Paulo Victor Mendes PENAFORT

E-mail 4:  [email protected]

Autor 5:  Jeconias CÂMARA

E-mail 5:  [email protected]

Autor 6:  Tatiana Nayara LIBÓRIO-KIMURA

E-mail 6:  [email protected]

Autor 7:  Juliana Vianna PEREIRA

E-mail 7:  [email protected]


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A Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral (SOBEP) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos,
que congrega cirurgiões-dentistas que se dedicam à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças da boca.